Monday, October 27, 2008

Memorial for Ishmeet in Delhi

Justice for Ishmeet campaign team is planning to organize a memorial service for Ishmeet Singh in Delhi. This will help us to pay our respect, love, and appreciation for the star who has made us all proud. We have not decided any date yet but it has to be sometime in November.

We are looking for some volunteers to help us organize this event.

Please contact us at and we will provide you more details about it.


Anonymous said...

Birth, life, and death -- each took place on the hidden side of a leaf.
Ishmeet is alive always....

Namrata Hakhoo said...

Ishmeet U will and always remains Around....

Anonymous said...

well...I cn help in organising the memorial for Ishmeet In delhi...
u can contact me at

Anonymous said...

I wud really luv 2 volunteer

Anonymous said...

well iam 14 years of age and u knw i was his fan . my friends do say me dat ishmeet will not win voi but i was sure because waheguru was with him . i want dat there should be complete justice regarding his death and according 2 methe eyewittness are telling lie...they must be given money for dat plz... god give him justice i also do think dat harshit felt jealous of him.