Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sincere Thanks for helping us!

Thank you very much for showing so much enthusiasm about this petition. We are constantly receiving emails with lot many people expressing their keenness in the case and offering their help in promoting this petition. We are indebted to all who have helped and are helping us in spreading the word about this campaign. With the will to help in this campaign for our hero Ishmeet Singh, some have even pledged getting minimum of 25 signatures per day for a week.

Thank you very much, guys.

A special thanks to World Sikh News,, and for publishing news articles and links to this campaign. We very strongly believe that these websites have helped us tremendously by spreading the word all over the world. We have further noticed a constant flow of signatures from the countries like India, UK, Canada, USA, and Malaysia. The efforts are still on to seek support and take help from other international media groups and various Sikh organizations. Suggestions in this regard are welcome!

Here are the links to these news articles:

Sikhnet News

Sikhsangat News

World Sikh News

Please keep on spreading the word. Again, in case if you can post this petition in your local relevant places like Gurudwaras, please contact us at for the material.

We assure you that with the blessings of the Almighty, we will take this campaign to a logical end.

Please don't stop!! Still a long way to go.

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